Saturday, August 6, 2011


carried by that action precisely beyond that frontier deemed by modern
philosophy to be unpassable. That is why the understanding and definition of
the human being reached by the study of semiosis, the way of signs, fluoresces
early into an understanding and definition of the human being that is as
distinctively postmodern as the modern definition of the human being as a
“thinking thing” was distinctively postmedieval. With the definition of the
human being among the animals as the only semiotic animal we locate ourselves
at the beginning of a way of signs which leads “everywhere in nature, including
those domains where humans have never set foot”.


  1. carried by that action precisely beyond that frontier deemed by modern
    philosophy to be unpassable. That is why the understanding and definition of
    the human being reached by the study of semiosis, the way of signs, fluoresces
    early into an understanding and definition of the human being that is as
    distinctively postmodern as the modern definition of the human being as a
    “thinking thing” was distinctively postmedieval. With the definition of the
    human being among the animals as the only semiotic animal we locate ourselves
    at the beginning of a way of signs which leads “everywhere in nature, including
    those domains where humans have never set foot”.

    making farm
