Saturday, August 6, 2011


further the difference between objects and signs. On the one hand, things
are themselves, whereas objects represent themselves. On the other hand, signs
represent always something other than themselves, something which they
themselves are not; and they do so respecting some third element or factor with
respect to which the representation takes place. It matters not whether the signs
in question be based on the psychological states of the organism, cathectic and
cognitive, or on aspects of objects founding interobjective relations. In every
case, the elements comprising the sign are three, and the being of the sign as
such transcends the three elements by uniting them according to three
respective roles, namely, the role of sign-vehicle (the element of otherrepresentation),
the role of object signified (the other than the sign vehicle
represented), and the role of interpretant, the term to or

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